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Find out if you’re eligible to enroll in Medicare Advantage.

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8 a.m.-8 p.m., 7 days a week.

You may be eligible to enroll if you…

  • are turning or recently turned 65
  • are turning 65 and have Medicaid coverage
  • are under age 65 and have received Social Security disability benefits for at least 24 months
  • are age 65 or older and a special enrollment period is declared where you live
  • are age 65 or older and have a spouse entitled to Social Security benefits, even if you are not
  • are age 65 or older and are the widow/widower of someone entitled to Social Security benefits
  • have recently moved to the area
  • have a chronic health condition
  • are losing your retiree health coverage

Be sure to sign up when you’re eligible.

If you don’t sign up when you’re eligible, you might owe a penalty. Medicare beneficiaries who go for 63 days or more without “creditable drug coverage” must pay a late enrollment penalty. Creditable coverage is prescription drug coverage that meets Original Medicare’s standards.

If you have any questions about your eligibility, call:


Understanding Enrollment Periods

Medicare enrollment periods refer to times when you can join, switch, or make changes to a Medicare Advantage or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)

The Annual Enrollment Period starts October 15 and ends on December 7. During this time period, you can...

  • Enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan from Original Medicare
  • Enroll from a Medicare Advantage plan to Original Medicare (but not from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan)
  • Switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another Medicare Advantage plan
  • Add or drop Part D coverage

Initial Enrollment Period (IEP)

The Initial Enrollment Period is when someone first becomes eligible and can sign up for Medicare. For most people, this is when they turn 65.

It begins three months before your 65th birthday month and lasts three months after your 65th birthday month. For example, if you turn 65 in April, you can sign up in January, February, March, April, May, June or July.

If you sign up in any of the three months before your 65th birthday month, coverage starts on the first day of your birthday month. If you sign up during or after your 65th birthday month, your coverage start date will be the first day of the following month your application is approved.

After your initial coverage starts, you have three months to make a one-time switch to another Medicare Advantage plan or to Original Medicare.

Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs)

You could qualify for a Special Enrollment Period during any month when certain events happen in your life. You may qualify for an SEP if…

  • You move
  • You are eligible for Medicaid
  • You move to an institution, like a skilled nursing facility or long term care hospital
  • You qualify for Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug costs
  • You want to switch to a plan with a 5-star overall quality rating
  • There are other special circumstances where you may qualify for a special enrollment period. If you have questions, call us at 844-599-0139.

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (MA OEP)

The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (MA OEP) starts Jan. 1 and ends on March 31. During this period, you can:

  • Enroll from one Medicare Advantage plan to another
  • Enroll from a Medicare Advantage plan to Original Medicare (but not from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan)
  • Individuals may add or drop Part D coverage

Call us today to learn more and enroll.

8 a.m.-8 p.m., 7 days a week.

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Y0020_WCM_134133E_M Last Updated On: 10/1/2023